Professional Chiropractic Services
Dr. Lopez can help save your patient the time, money and frustration associated with the current health care modelDr. Lopez is a forward thinking physician that understands the role of chiropractic services in the treatment of spine related and musculoskeletal conditions to provide quality cost effective solutions for the explosive financial issues affecting the health care market. Dr. Lopez works hard to change the public perception and understanding of chiropractic care by building relationships with medical, legal and corporate professionals to that end.
Why Refer Out?
With so many people suffering from spine related conditions, Chiropractic services are poised to provide front-line evaluation and management of same. Spine care presents unique challenges to the practitioner: (1) the lack of a clearly defined pathoanatomical lesion in the majority of cases, (2) the influence of psychosocial factors in the origin and perpetuation of spine related disorders, (3) the lack of training in general practitioners regarding spinal conditions. While there exist numerous guidelines for the management of spine related disorders, the dispersion and implementation of “best available evidence” is sorely lacking. As a chiropractor, Dr. Lopez spent four years of graduate studies dedicated to anatomy and differential diagnosis of spinal related disorders. With a large problem list and patients rightly concerned about surgical or invasive procedures, a conservative bio-psysco-social approach is best suited to address spinal pain before considering more costly and potentially more complicated options. Sadly, many physicians do not refer to chiropractors. That may be a necessary evil of days gone by but times are changing. Dr. Lopez works very hard to change that mindset by presenting a positive and professional image to the community at large. He has worked with a respected neurologist since 2010 and earned his confidence. He also provides ancillary testing for physiatrists, orthopedists and pain management physicians and understands how to communicate with the medical community. Let Dr. Lopez save your patient the time, money and frustration associated with the current health care model. Your patients will receive timely and honest care. He promises no salesmanship, gimmicks or lengthy care plans. As the first point of contact for spine related conditions, he can help your patients address common spinal complaints while removing one item from your problem list. Conversely, cases that do not respond to an adequate trial of conservative treatment will be referred to the right specialist and co-managed in an integrated fashion. In a nut shell, Dr. Lopez has a strong background in musculoskeletal disorders and has the skill set to:- Provide a differential diagnosis for spine related conditions
- Know when to order imaging, lab work, and/or diagnostic tests as required.
- Know when/how to apply a variety of manual techniques for spine related conditions.
- Emphasize active care over passive care.
- Understand the psychosocial aspects pertinent to spine pain.
- Engage in shared decision making with the patient.
- Communicate with medical professionals in a collegial and collaborative manner.
- Empower the patient and foster independence from practitioners.
- Keep you informed every step of the way.
Why would you want to work with Dr. Lopez?
- Thorough Documentation
- Timely filing and Customized Appeals
- Conscientious case management and specialist referral
- Neurologist, orthopedic and pain management physicians on team
- Team player: works well with medical and legal professionals
- Understands the changing economic climate and is willing to do his part to advocate for your client
- Waived report fees to expedite case proceedings

- Healthy employees are cheaper to insure
- Have Less unplanned abcenses due to sickness or Injury
- And are Less Likely to utilize Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability or Worker’s Compensation.