Health and Wellness Articles
Get valuable information about managing pain, sports injuries, health and wellness, dieting and much more...Effective Solutions for Chronic Neck, Back, and Head Pain
Relieve Pain and Improve Your Quality of Life with Chiropractic Care Chronic pain can be debilitating, whether it manifests as neck pain, back pain, or headaches. But did you know chiropractic care can do more than just alleviate these common issues? Many patients...
Band Aids – The Healthcare System and NJ Chiropractors
Medicaid. A band-aid on the health of society. Touted as health insurance for the under-served. Healthcare for people who cannot afford to pay cash for medical care or cover the cost of health insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act. Honest people down on...
Medical Desegregation: Spine care moving to the mainstream
Whats the best way to integrate chiropractic care with care from other doctors? With so many people suffering from spine related conditions, Chiropractors are poised to provide front-line evaluation and management of back pain and other common spine care...
The Best Treatment For Back Pain: Surgery vs Conservative Care
I am chiropractor. But not just any chiropractor. A primary spine care physician. The difference is more than semantics. Balance plays a key role in the latter. Most back pain can be effectively treated early on with conservative care,...
Atherosclerosis and Chronic Lower Back Pain
I recently read a great article written by Dr. Deborah Pate in Dynamic Chiropractic, volume 33, issue 1. She discusses the connection between healthy circulation and spinal degeneration. No one faces Father Time unscathed. We play an active role...
Pain and Depression: The Link Between The Two
It's not surprising that people suffering from chronic pain can also experience depression. Did you know the reverse can be true as well? A great deal of literature exists on the mind-body connection. Some may interpret the connection between...
Lights Outs – A Head Injury and Concussion Review
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MBTI) aka concussion has been a hot topic lately. NFL and youth sports have stolen the spotlight but concussions are not limited to sports. Car accidents, falls, head injuries are also leading causes of concussion....
“Doctor … Do the Right Thing” – An Inside Look at the Insurance Industry
Says Da Mayor. As a fresh grad, questioning in network vs out of network, it struck me that some doctors explicitly skirted the issue while others adamantly argued for OON and sticking it to the man. Next question. Will grandma benefit from...
Parity Paradox – Perception of Chiropractic Care
I am still a green horn by chiro standards having graduated in 2009. By medical standards I would have finished residency and would have decided whether to stay on staff, seek an associateship or dive into private practice. This doc took...
Brawn, Brains, and Grains: 6 Healthy Eating Tips
Below, a link to a wonderfully critical piece of literary genius--my words--discussing the "dizzying" dietary trends of our times. Be sure to read all four parts. You will not be disappointed. Should you have any questions feel free to comment....
MRI: Understanding the Usefulness
You may be thinking to yourself should I get an MRI and is it necessary right now? Advanced imaging is very useful when performed at the right time. However, imaging is not always necessary right away for acute episodes of low back pain....
Pectineus Pain: How to Treat a Groin Pull
I was hanging out with my wife and her friends, one of which was accompanied by a date. We got to talking and a simple bar chat turned into a conversation about a groin injury he had sustained. At first, his description seemed like a routine groin...