Here’s a scary statistic. Americans born in 2000 or later have a lifetime risk of more than one in three of developing type 2 diabetes (3). The problem extends across the world with increasings cases of diabetes in developed and developing nations...
Ran across two great blog posts on Medscape. Wish I could take the credit for these but I think sharing is more important. The first post reviews a quick screening tool for early alcohol dependance trends in teenagers and young adults. Considering all the...
Me too! I’m a foodie. I will try just about anything. With so many diets out there amid claims of burgeoning super foods and “silver bullet” supplements what do you eat? Great news!!! This week Medscape posted an AWESOME slide...
Dr. Murphy–a friend and mentor–wrote an article explaining the sources of pain after whiplash. The article covers a whole body approach to treatment and keys points to prevent chronic pain. A well written piece and an easy read. My 2¢, doctors should...
So , I have been blogging regularly on FB–btw, you should become a fan :O)– and it just dawned on me that I should have been writing on my site. Such is life, the obvious sometimes escapes us. Anyhow, this month Spine Journal has several interesting...
Decompression refers to procedures intended to relieve pressure and nerve related pain presumably caused by a herniated disc that increases pressure on nearby nerve roots in the spinal canal. Decompression may be surgical or non-surgical. This article will address...