I recently read a great article written by Dr. Deborah Pate in Dynamic Chiropractic, volume 33, issue 1. She discusses the connection between healthy circulation and spinal degeneration. No one faces Father Time unscathed. We play an active role...
Below, a link to a wonderfully critical piece of literary genius–my words–discussing the “dizzying” dietary trends of our times. Be sure to read all four parts. You will not be disappointed. Should you have any questions...
Just heard on CNN this morning that we prescribe enough pain meds in the US to give every adult hourly meds for one month. They also mentioned the US accounts for 80% of world’s pain med consumption yet we represent only 5% of the world population....
Ran across two great blog posts on Medscape. Wish I could take the credit for these but I think sharing is more important. The first post reviews a quick screening tool for early alcohol dependance trends in teenagers and young adults. Considering all the...
Me too! I’m a foodie. I will try just about anything. With so many diets out there amid claims of burgeoning super foods and “silver bullet” supplements what do you eat? Great news!!! This week Medscape posted an AWESOME slide...
Dr. Murphy–a friend and mentor–wrote an article explaining the sources of pain after whiplash. The article covers a whole body approach to treatment and keys points to prevent chronic pain. A well written piece and an easy read. My 2¢, doctors should...